The Ancalagon Triptych by Tom Loback
(Quenya translation by Ryszard Derdzinski)
For Tom Loback’s Facebook – see here.
More on Tom Loback in our service see here.
About The Fëanor Triptych read here.
G-i-P’s gallery of Tom Loback can be seen here.
From Tom Loback’s Facebook: «Over the past year or so I have been fortunate that a number of collectors have been purchasing my illustrations. Many of these were work I did back in the 1980s for a number of book proposals that didn’t come to fruition and for the extensive Tolkien fan community publications like Parma Eldalamberon, Vinyar Tengwar, Mythlore, Beyond Bree and others. I had produced and sold others in black and white or hand-colored limited edition prints presented as pages from Illuminated Elven Manuscripts or scrolls with texts written in Elvish. They were quite popular and the idea was widely imitated. I also have now had the great good fortune to be commissioned to do some new works. They were conceived and realized as sets of triptychs depicting scenes from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion and other works.»
We have presented Tom Loback’s first triptych, The Fëanor Triptych here. The second triptych, The Ancalgon Triptych, features the final Great Battle of The War of Wrath that ends the First Age of Middle-earth, where the winged Dragons, led by the greatest of all Dragons – Ancalagon the Black – make their first appearance in Tolkien’s legendarium. Concept and art is by Tom Loback. The Quenya and Sindarin translation is by Ryszard „Galadhorn” Derdziński. We present the artwork in the following order:
1. This illustration is the central panel of The Ancalagon Triptych and depicts the assault of Morgoth’s fleet of winged Dragons, led by Ancalagon the Black, against the Host of Valinor captained by Eönwë, the Herald of Manwë. The Dragons are released from the fortress of Angband and the surprise and force of their attack drives the Elves and Maiar of the Host of the West back. The two columns of Elvish Quenya texts below (transated by Ryszard „Galadhorn” Derdzinski) describe the three illuminations of the Triptich. Additionally, as often seen in illuminated manuscripts, there are some comments in the margins by later writers. One of comments is from Bilbo Baggins whose non-anglicized name in the lingua franca of Middle-earth, Westron, is Bilba Labinga.
A. Then the Hosts of the Throne of Hate were overthrown in the battle of Dagor Delorthin and Eönwë, captain of the Host of the Valar, besieged Angband straitly. Then Morgoth made a last sally and all his Dragons were about him. Out of the Gates of Angband he loosed upon his foes a last desperate assault, the winged Dragons that had not before been seen. And so sudden and ruinous was the onset of that dreadful fleet, as a tempest of a hundred thunders winged with steel, that the Host of Valinor was beaten back on Dor-na-Fauglith by lightning and a storm of fire. And not any of the Host of the West, be he Ingwion, Captain of the Vanyar or Finarfin, King of the Noldor, or Eönwë, Chief of the Maiar, might withstand Ancalagon the Black, mightiest of the Dragon horde.
Tá i Hostar Tévie-mahalmava né ataltanë mí Ohta Rúsëo ar Eönwë, i hesto Hosto Valaron, hamosartanë Angamando. Tá Moringotto carnë telda rinca ar ilya Lóceryar ner as esse. Et Andor Angamando lehtanes nalantarya telda estelenca nottoryannar, i ramalóci yar nó úquen sintë cenë. Ar san atalantëa alcayë i rinca naira-liyúmëo ve húro húmi hundieron anga-rámainen, sa i Hosta Valinóreva né nanquernë tenna Dor-nu-Fauglith nár-raumonen. Ar úquen Hostallo Númenwa, la Ingwion, i hesto Vanyaron, la Arafinwë, i Aran Noldoron, la Eönwë, i Aracáno Maiaron, pollë tercolë Ancalacon Morna, ammelehta Lóke-hormo.
B. Now came Eärendil, with the Silamaril on his brow, shining with white flame, in his ship Vingilot that had been hallowed by the Valar and lifted up into the oceans of Heaven, as the star of hope, Gil-estel. And came also a myriad of the all great birds of heaven and the Eagles and led by their captain, Thorondor, King of the Eagles. And there was battle in the air through a dark night of doubt. And before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon and cast him from the sky. And the greatest of all Dragons fell upon the Towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin and bursting fire. Then the Host of the Valinor prevailed and well nigh all the Dragons were destroyed and Angband was unroofed and its pits opened and a multitude of thralls were released.
Si túlë Eärendil as Silmarillë timbareryassë, niquitala telemnarnen, mi Vingilótë ciryaryassë ya ainaina Valainen ar ortaina mir earonna Menelo ve Elen-estel. Ar túlë ta húmi wilindi menelo ar Sorni tulyaina hestonen, Sorontar. Ar i ohta engë wilyassë ter i lómë maquettaron. Ar epe anarórë Eärendil mahtanë Ancalacon ar se unduhantes menello. Ar i ampoldë ilyë Lócion lantaner Thangorodrimo Mindonnar, ar ner rácina atalanteryassë ar mi ruvala nárë. Tá i Hosta Valinóreva orturnë ar epe ilyë Lóci nancarina ar Angamando avatupina ar lattaryar latyaina ar unótimë móli leryaina.
2. This illustration is from the second commission, the Ancalagon Triptych. Its the 1st panel of three depicting the Great Battle of the War of Wrath that ends War of the Jewels and the first age of Tolkien’s Middle-earth when the Gates of Angband open and Morgoth releases the winged Dragons led by Ancalagon the Black, greatest of all Dragons. As told in The Silmarillion, all the free peoples of the west of Middle-earth have been utterly defeated by the Great Enemy, Morgoth. Most have been killed and much of the remnants enslaved.An embassy by the Half-elven Eärendil to the Valar in their land West succeeds in gaining their intervention and they raise a Host of the Elves and Maiar to free Middle-earth. Morgoth’s armies in the field are destroyed and he is besieged in his fortress of Angband. In desperation, he sallies forth with a fleet of winged Dragons, driving back the Host of the West.
3. The third and final panel of the Ancalagon Triptych shows the climactic single combat between Ancalagon the Black and Eärendil the Star of Hope. Eärendil, one of the half-elven and son of the Man Tuor and the Elf-maid Idril sailed west to plea for aid against Morgoth. His plea was heard and the Host of Valinor went to Middle-earth to overthrow Morgoth, the Great Enemy. However, Morgoth’s last stroke, the assault of the winged Dragons drives back the Host of the West. Eärendil, who the Valar had set in the sky as a star with his ship and a holy Silmaril jewel on his brow, returns to Middle-earth and contests the battle in the sky with Ancalagon, and casts the Dragon down. In his fall, Ancalagon breaks the triple peaks of Morgoth’s fortress of Angband.
G-i-P stands for Gwaith-i-Phethain, ‘The Fellowship of the Word-smiths’ or the linguistic website devoted to post-Tolkienian constructions in the ‘reconstructed’ languages of Middle-earth [link].
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Kategorie wpisu: Adaptacje tolkienowskie, G-i-P Report, In Westron (English)
2 Komentarzy do wpisu "The Ancalagon Triptych by Tom Loback
(Quenya translation by Ryszard Derdzinski)"
Nat, dnia 16.10.2014 o godzinie 17:16
Piekne, harmonijne, symboliczne. Przywodzi na mysl Pauline Baynes i jej wyczucie kreski. Niesamowite! :))
Lúthien Tinúviel – ostatnie dzieło Toma Lobacka | Goniec Rohański, dnia 22.06.2016 o godzinie 13:34
[…] swoje prace współpracował z Ryszardem Galadhornem Derdzińskim. Owocami tej współpracy są Tryptyk Fëanora i Tryptyk Ancalagona. Kilka dni temu na Elendilionie ukazała się ostatnia praca Toma Lobacka, […]
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