G-i-P Report: Three Sindarin phrases from Rivendell?
Source: Elfling (Andrew Higgins post)
Sunday Times from 18 November had a special Hobbit film magazine coverage which included several videos online. One of them by a language coach of The Hobbit film, Róisín Carty, includes an intro talk on Quenya and Sindarin and mentions that in The Hobbit films the Wizards will speak some Quenya [we have already mentioned that Radagast and probably Gandalf say Quenya spells in The Hobbit movie].
Then she gives three examples of Sindarin [which are probably used in the Rivendell scenes in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey]:
Elin eb i istodh na dirad lin
‚How are you?’ (lit. ‚Happy am I beyond that which you know to see you’)
*elin v. ‘I am happy!’; from elo! intj. ‚an exclamation of wonder, admiration, delight’, ‚*el-, √EL or *gelin (lenited ‚elin), *gel- ‚to be merry, happy’, √GJEL
*eb prep. ‘beyond’; cf. Quenya epë ‚before/after’?
i rel. pron. ‚who, which, that’
*istodh v. ‘you know’; ista- ‚have knowdlege’ + *-dh ‚thou’ (second-person familiar pronoun; cf. cerið (ceridh) and galoð (galodh) in PE#17, p. 132)
na prep. ‘with, by, near; to, toward, at; of’
tirad (lenited dirad) v. ‚to see’; cf. tíra- ‚see’
lin pron. ‚you’ (shouldn’t it be len instead?)
Boe i ‚watham
Let’s go (lit. ‚It is necessary we leave’)
boe v. impers. ‚it is necessary, one must, one is compelled to’ (specifical David Salo’s phrase used many times in the LotR movie)
i rel. pron. ‚who, which, that’; here used as ‚that’
gwatham (lenited ‚watham) v. fut. ‚we will go’; cf. gwa- ‚to go’ (PE#17, p. 148) and -m ‚we’.
Nauthon i miruvor ammen; man pedidh?
‚Should we have a glass of wine?’ (lit. ‚I think about miruvor for us. What you say?’)
nauthon v. ‚I think’; cf. nautha- ‚conceive’
i art. ‚the’
miruvor, n. Sindarin version of the Quenya miruvórë
ammen pron. ‚to us, for us, of us’
*man pron. ‚who, what’
pedidh v. ‚you speak’; cf. ped- ‚speak’ + *-dh ‚thou’ (second-person familiar pronoun)
You can access the video online but you need to subscribe to The Times to do so.
G-i-P stands for Gwaith-i-Phethain, ‘The Fellowship of the Word-smiths’ or the linguistic website devoted to post-Tolkienian constructions in the “reconstructed” languages of Middle-earth [link].
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Kategorie wpisu: Filmy: Hobbit i WP, G-i-P Report, In Westron (English), Lingwistyka
4 Komentarzy do wpisu "G-i-P Report: Three Sindarin phrases from Rivendell?"
Lothenon, dnia 17.12.2012 o godzinie 23:19
Very nice!
But in what way is ‚-dh’ an unattested reconstruction? What about ‚cerið’ and ‚galoð’ in PE17:132.
And I suspect the source for ‚watham’ to be not ‚gwanna-‚ but ‚gwa-‚, „to go”, – thus actually „we will go” (cf. ‚gwaen’, „I go”, pa.t. ‚anu, awn’ [PE17:148] – personal past and future probably ‚*anwe-, *gwatha-‚).
Galadhorn, dnia 18.12.2012 o godzinie 0:08
Lothenon, hannon le! I agree!
On Bulgarian website Endorion (which quotes our website, but unfortunately without credits) I have found another short passages:
(…) iant vedui? (Sindarin) ‚last bridge’
And in Quenya:
(…) envinyata cuilelya? ‚to renew your life’
Kaloyan Ivanov, dnia 18.12.2012 o godzinie 0:30
My apologies, Ryszard! Elendilion and Elfling credited now. I will forget my head some day..
Galadhorn, dnia 18.12.2012 o godzinie 1:26
Kaloyan, nice to meet you here. No problem. It’s nice you have credited us. Let me know when you have new information about the languages in „The Hobbit” movie!
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